Meet your
freelancer &
word nerd
of choice.


I’ve been writing since I was old enough to wield a crayon and smear it across a leaf of paper. Not that you’d want to read anything I wrote back then; my second-grade teacher noted that, “She has interesting story ideas, although she sometimes loses the idea partway through her writing.”  But practice makes perfect (or at least really, really good). The idea of being published kept me motivated, even at eight years old – and I’ve got the report cards to prove that things only got better from there.
I graduated from gluing my own books together in grade school to publishing articles in student academic journals, local newspapers and national magazines. As a professional journalist, I interviewed national politicians, local business owners and humans with incredible stories of struggle and triumph for the St. Thomas Times-Journal and Trot Magazine. I continued telling stories in marketing and communications roles with Canada Life and Manulife, where I fell in love with the challenge of making mutual funds and mortgages sexy.
To keep my storytelling mojo alive, I launched my first blog, Five Hundred Sparks, documenting the sparks of inspiration behind the startup scene in my own backyard, Kitchener-Waterloo. Though it’s no longer an active project, it reminded me why I love doing what I do – that everyone has a story worth telling (and listening to). Sometimes they just need a little help from someone who has the writing chops to find the right words and put them in the right order.


Since taking the freelancer plunge in 2018, I’ve helped homegrown businesses such as Axonify, Uvaro and Chalk share their knowledge and tell their stories. I’ve written nationally and internationally for clients such as WXN (Women’s Executive Network), Coveo and Thinkific. I’ve partnered with agencies to create content campaigns for names like Geotab, the Accelerator Center, Syspro and Meta IT. I’ve profiled innovative companies like Faire, Vidyard, Cisco, Deloitte, Miovision and MaRS, along with providing boots-on-the-ground coverage at major events including Collision, Elevate, WXN’s Canada’s Most Powerful Women: Top 100 Awards and WXN’s Canadian Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Summit and Awards.

I’ve brought bold new websites to life, scripted national events, co-created academic-quality research reports and penned engaging articles and helpful guides spanning emerging AI strategy, the representation of women in corporate Canada, mid-life career changes, K-12 educational trends, consumer product design and even U.S. tax law. My CEO-authored articles have appeared in Forbes and the Financial Post.

My words have raised money, launched courses, sold buildings, trended on social media, gained major media attention and filled rooms with roaring applause. My projects have received a Stevie Award (Bronze) – Financial Services from The International Business Awards, and the Internet Advertising Competition’s award for best financial services rich media online campaign. My debut magazine feature won a North American best feature award from American Horse Publications (I am still very proud of that one).

Am I your freelance match?


I always do my homework, backing up facts and claims with the best research I can find.

Endlessly curious

No topic is too big or small. I learn fast, ask smart questions and stay interested.

Super human

I connect with people to surface powerful stories – they tell me it’s like a therapy session.

Strategically positioned

My writing is always informed by your goals, your vision and your audience.

Lovingly crafted

I approach every story and assignment with genuine respect, interest and pride.